Building a home is an exciting venture. But it can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety, especially when you’re considering the best time to build a house. You may try to force the process to fit a certain schedule, or worry that there will be disastrous consequences if your home isn’t completed by a certain month. We want to assure you that if you hire the right team, your home will be well done regardless of when it is built. 

Still, you may be wondering, “Are there any financial or other benefits to building my house in a certain season?” The answer is a resounding–maybe! Many people believe that they should build a new construction home in the spring or summer. Others believe that it doesn’t matter. 

We want you to consider that building a house in the fall could be your best option, especially for future homeowners in the south. Read on below to learn why.

When is the best time to build a house?

Why is fall the best time to build a house?

We believe that fall is one of the best times during the year to build a house. Fall weather creates prime conditions for constructing a new home

  • Soil conditions: Since the rainy season is over in the fall, the soil becomes cool and dry. This is better for construction because it creates easier excavating conditions for the construction team. Contractors may have an easier time building the home’s foundation. 
  • Snow insulation: Though it doesn’t snow often in the south, snow in the fall won’t affect your contractor’s work too much. There are simple things that the team can do to protect the home’s interior, and snow insulates the ground, keeping it warm and making better digging conditions. 
  • Less chance of sludge: Since you won’t be building during the wet season, it’s less likely that your contracting team will run into issues with mud or dirt that could ruin your yard or get into the interior of your home. 
  • Ideal temperatures: The fall offers a nice mid-range of temperatures–not too hot, and not too cold. This can make a much more pleasant experience for your construction crew to work in, and it can potentially make the process smoother.

Benefits of building a house in the fall

In addition to the reasons above, there are a few advantages to planning your new home construction for the fall: 

  • Cost savings: Since fall is often considered an off-season for construction, prices for wood and other materials become significantly lower. This makes your project cheaper overall.
  • Project schedule: Because of the cooler, dryer weather and the fact that contractors tend to have fewer projects in the fall, your team will be more likely to stay on the projected schedule for your home’s construction.
  • Permits and inspections: The fall is generally considered an off-season, as we mentioned above. This also translates to the agencies responsible for helping you receive your permits, inspections, titles, and funding. 
  • Move-In During the Spring or Summer: Since construction during the spring or summer is often completed in the winter, there is a lot of conflict in the schedules of homeowners, especially as the holidays arrive. Starting your construction in the fall means that you may be able to move in by the spring or summer, giving you a potentially freer schedule and a more pleasant move-in experience. 

Contact Sahene Construction to get started today

Are you ready to start building your home? Get in touch with the Sahene Construction team today to start your home construction project this fall season. We are experienced, fully licensed and insured, and bonded professionals. We’ll make sure your project is completed with the utmost quality and care.