Purchasing a home you love can be an emotional and exciting time. However, your house can age and deteriorate as time passes. As the decades go by, you may also realize that your home is outdated, or once-sturdy fixtures in your house may break. These may be signs that you need to make some changes around your home. 

Home renovation project

How Can You Tell When It’s Time to Renovate Your House? 

1. Your Home is Showing Signs of Serious Wear and Tear

As mentioned above, various areas of your house may need maintenance or upkeep over time. However, maintenance may not always be enough. When you find that important features of your home are becoming problematic, you may want to begin the remodeling process to address these issues. Areas that are cause for concern would include cracked flooring or leaking ceilings.

2. You Need More Space

Have you experienced a recent life change like marriage, having a baby, or taking care of an elderly relative? If so, you probably find yourself needing a bit more space. You have the option to buy or build a new home, but that isn’t always the most cost-effective option. Renovating your space may be a better choice. Or, maybe your lifestyle has changed and your current living conditions no longer support it. Remodeling can be an affordable way to create more space for parties, entertaining, or whatever else you need the space for.

3. Your Home Looks or Feels Outdated

When you’re happy in your home, many years could go by before you recognize that you need to think about updating. Perhaps you finally have time for renovating after your children have left the nest, or maybe you’ve recently discovered some inefficient appliances in your household. Whatever your reason, it is frustrating to deal with outdated and unsightly appliances, hard-to-access shelves and cabinetry, or a bathroom that’s seen more fashionable years. In order to be as effective as possible with your budget, it’s important to make a list of the things you want to update before you begin the process.

4. You Can Afford a Renovation

Consider your budget! Before you get too deep into planning your remodel, make sure you have the financial ability to do everything you want to. Some banks or credit unions will provide a loan for renovations if that is something you may need. Make certain to review both your financing options and your budget prior to the remodeling process.

5. You Are Comfortable With Temporary Disruption

As with any major life change, redoing a space in your house can cause chaos and disruption, especially if you have children. For example, remodeling your bathroom may make it unusable for some time, so you’ll need to plan ahead for a temporary solution. If you’re renovating your kitchen, you may need to consider meal prepping or eating out until it is complete. You will need to decide early on whether or not this is doable for you and your family.

6. You Plan on Staying In the Home

Depending on what remodels or additions you do in your house, the value of your home can go up or down. Either way, you’ll want to stick around long enough to get the personal value of your renovation.

Sahene Construction | Residential Remodeling Services in Baton Rouge

Have you decided that it’s time for you to start renovating a space in your house? Sahene Construction can help. We have over 15 years of experience with residential additions and remodels for clients throughout Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lafayette, and more. We’d be happy to take a look at your project. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 

Residential remodeling project